OAO - Office of Academic Opportunities
OAO stands for Office of Academic Opportunities
Here you will find, what does OAO stand for in University under Academic & Science category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Office of Academic Opportunities? Office of Academic Opportunities can be abbreviated as OAO What does OAO stand for? OAO stands for Office of Academic Opportunities. What does Office of Academic Opportunities mean?Office of Academic Opportunities is an expansion of OAO
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Alternative definitions of OAO
- Opticians Association Of Ohio
- Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
- Original Art Only
- Over And Over
- Orange Advertising Oy
- Ontario Association of Optometrists
- Operation Aware of Oklahoma
View 10 other definitions of OAO on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OATN Tereen airport
- OATQ Talulqan airport
- OATS Obligations Assimilables du Trésor
- OATSA Open Assessment Technologies S.A.
- OATSPL Offshore Accounting and Taxation Services Pvt. Ltd.
- OATU oncology acute toxicity unit
- OATUS On A Totally Unrelated Subject
- OATW Tewara airport
- OATZ Tesaak airport
- OAU Organization Of American Unity
- OAU-IFE Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife
- OAUG Oracle Applications Users Group
- OAUK Orangutan Appeal UK
- OAUS Oceanic Australian Undersea Study
- OAUSA Orthopaedic Associates USA
- OAUSL Office Are US Limited
- OAUTH OAuth2
- OAUZ Kunduz, Afghanistan
- OAV Original Animated Video
- OAVOK Oeuvres D'Assistance aux Vieillards et Orphelins de Kingambwa